
Why 新葡京博彩官网 for 电力 Generation?

With the industry’s widest range of diesel, 气体, 移动发电机组, 微型电网, 自动转换开关, 开关设备和控制器, 华伦CAT团队致力于寻找正确的电力系统解决方案,以保持您的时间和预算. 我们的核心价值观是建立建立在信任基础上的长期关系, 我们将在您的电力系统的整个生命周期内与您合作——从配置到安装再到持续运行.


® 电力和沃伦CAT提供功能丰富的标准化电力系统解决方案与GC系列发电机, 我们还提供数十年的经验和专业知识,帮助您根据您的规格定制设计发电机系统. Whether you are an electrical contractor, engineering procurement and 建设, 架构师, mechanical engineering firm or electrical engineering firm, 新葡京博彩官网 has the continuous and standby power solutions your job requires.

澳门新葡京博彩和卡特彼勒® 是否为医疗机构提供可靠的应急备用发电机, municipalities and other critical infrastructure. 我们为您的设备和业界最广泛的产品(如发电机组)的澳门新葡京博彩寿命提供无与伦比的支持, 微型电网, 自动转换开关, 和开关设备, so that you can design and reliably maintain a continuous power, back-up power or peak-shaving power system that fits your business. 可选柴油, 气体 and rental generator sets, plus sustainable systems such as co-generation and solar technology, 华伦CAT可以在包括医院和医疗保健在内的任何行业的任何规模的项目上与您合作, 教育, 制造业, 数据中心, 垃圾填埋场, 园艺, 发电厂, 电信, 矿业, 建设, municipality and wastewater treatment plants, 和更多的.


权力.猫.com 是猫的在线销售平台,可以让您快速方便地查找和研究符合您运营要求的电力产品信息. 浏览可用的库存并根据您独特的应用程序构建定制的定制解决方案. 权力.猫.com has been designed to make the process of sizing, selecting and ordering the right generator simpler and faster.

今天通过3个简单的步骤开始调整您的发电机组-(1)为您的项目选择负载类型, (2) Define your electrical loads, and (3) Calculate your power need. 有了这些信息,您可以查看我们匹配的库存或请求自定义报价. Start sizing and configuring your 猫 generator set today by visiting 权力.猫.com.

如果您想了解有关此在线工具的更多信息或需要新葡京博彩官网电力专业人员的额外帮助, please complete the brief form below for follow up contact.

Standby Generators from 20 kW to 4.5 MW

猫 GC Line Standardized Packaging (40 kW to 1250 ekW)

新的猫 GC系列柴油发电机组与我们的关键应用产品线具有相同的质量和性能,但经过价值设计,可以减少占地面积并降低安装成本, freight costs and the cost of ownership. 猫 GC固定式备用柴油发电机组范围从40到1250 ekW,以适应各种各样的应用,并配有IP65等级的汽车电源GCCP控制器作为标准配置,具有用户友好的控制面板界面. 我们的延长服务范围(ESC)选项有助于保护您的投资,并从计划外或计划外维修中减轻您的预算.

Additional benefits of the 猫 GC Line include:

  • Emissions compliance with most worldwide regulations
  • Excellent transient response and steady state performance
  • All products are UL 2200 listed
  • 大修寿命长
  • Available open or with sound-attenuated enclosures
  • Customizable maintenance plans
  • 部分 availability (92% fill rate and 99% overnight order fulfillment)
  • Supported by experience technicians at multiple lo猫ions


柴油发电机组 (20 kW to 4 MW)

From 20 kW to 4 MW of power potential, our diesel-fueled generator sets are built to world-class standards, 为了高效率, low 燃料消耗 and global emissions compliance. 我们的商业和工业发电机组有多种选择,以满足您的电力需求, making selecting and installing simple. Discover power designed for your demands.


燃气发电机组 (50 kW to 4.5 MW)

范围从50千瓦到4.5兆瓦的单台燃气发电机组,我们的燃气发电机组易于选择,许可和安装. 我们的工业和商业燃气发电机组在澳门新葡京博彩包括天然气在内的各种气体燃料时运行可靠, 氢, bio气体 from 垃圾填埋场 and digesters, 煤气, propane and alternative fuels. 我们的建筑经久耐用, low life-cycle cost power systems that we integrate with controls, 排气系统, 燃料系统, combined cooling/heat/power skids 和开关设备.

当我们与客户密切合作设计我们的项目时,我们处于最佳状态, 我们是您在任何监管环境下任何规模的商业和工业发电机组的专家顾问. When you need power, 毛毛虫 and 新葡京博彩官网 are equal to the challenge.


Customized Generator Solutions and Package Design

If a standardized genset solution doesn’t fit your needs, 我们还提供个性化的专家咨询,可以根据您的规格定制更强大的设计, providing the reliable electric power you need. 新葡京博彩官网 custom generator package designs include:

  • Switchgear and Paralleling Controls. 卡特彼勒开关设备和控制面板适用于从单备用/负载管理到多单元公用事业并联安装的应用. 我们提供低压和中压标准和定制开关设备解决方案,具有用户友好的人机界面. 毛毛虫’s ISO-9001 facility can provide UL891, UL1558, ULMV, cUL or CSA labeled switchgear to meet your specific needs.
  • Automatic and Manual Transfer Switches 在停电期间可靠的备用电源传输,将公用事业馈电连接到您的系统, monitor the power and signal the generators to switch on and off.

微型电网 & 可再生能源系统

猫微电网为入网和离网社区以及商业或工业设施提供具有成本效益的电力. 通过将我们的光伏太阳能模块的可再生能源和先进的能源存储解决方案与公用事业或发电机组的传统发电相结合, we can develop an energy system specifically designed for your needs. The 猫 Microgrid combines all sources into a single, 可控制的实体,以优化能源的流动,使其能够以最低的总成本生产.


When purchasing is not the best option, our 出租权力 team can advise you on specific power requirements, 燃料消耗, 燃油容忍度和总体运行成本适用于各种需求和应用, 从事件的照明和温度控制到远程位置的连续电源或关键操作的备用电源. We’re there from system design to installation and operational support, providing expertise for customers throughout West Texas and the state of Oklahoma.